We are happy to announce we were recently featured on the KCENT TV News Section to talk about our mission during November for National Adoption Month and bring awareness about the foster care system and the children that are a part of it.
Last month we got on our “Bunny Van” and traveled around Texas, to several different locations, to donate our signature Xander Bunny to foster care facilities in the hopes that it would make a foster child's day brighter.
After experiencing first hand with our grandson how many hardships children in foster care have to endure, we made it our mission to try to make life a little happier for them, and with that in mind, we started making our Xander Bunnies–filled with Lavender and Michigan Cherry Pits for their natural relaxation benefits–which we now donate regularly to foster care facilities. We’ve also recently included a glow in the dark heart on Xander’s foot as a reminder, especially during difficult nights, that the children are loved and never alone.
So far, with the help of everyone who’s purchased their own bunny and through the Friends of the Bunny initiative, we’ve been able to donate over 24.000 bunnies, and we hope to one day be able to put a Xander Bunny in the hands of each of the more than 400.000 kids that are currently in foster care.
As Marissa Smith–director of family outreach at MCH–said “2020 has specifically been a challenging year for all of the families we serve and something like the Xander Bunny is just a good reminder of comfort and care” and that’s exactly what we hope to provide for children in the system.
In Waco, as well as several other locations across Texas, 180 children received their very own lavender bunny last month and we’re incredibly grateful to know that those children will go to bed at night knowing that they are loved.