Xander Community Partner Questionnaire

Thank You for your interest in becoming a Xander Community Partner in your county, and reminding the most vulnerable that they are loved and not alone.  Please complete this form in its entirety and send back to victor@suitefab.com, so we can prepare donations in your community.


1. Your name ____________________________; email________________________; phone #_______________


2. County/ies you want to cover____________________________________________State ________________


3. # of children served in foster and/or kinship care annually in this county______________________________________


4. Name of agencies who provide foster and/or kinship care in this county _______________________________________




5. Address of where a donation shipment would be delivered: Is there a loading dock? _________

__________________________________ Name of building, business/or residence

__________________________________ Street


__________________________________State  _________________________Zip

__________________________________Name of contact ______________phone #

6. Date you want to receive the donation by _________.

7. I am committing to (please check):

_____Build a relationship with ALL foster care agencies in my county (though rare, all agencies may not want to receive Xanders);

_____Receive and store ( if necessary)  Xander kits for the entire year for kids in foster and/or kinship care only;

_____Pay Freight cost for donation to be shipped to me  ($.70-2.25/ea Xander depending on volume and location, with rising fuel prices, this cost changes weekly). Shipments may also be picked up on the farm in west Michigan;

_____Paypal or Venmo payments can be made through this email - vickie@suitefab.com ( be sure to click on Family/Friends). You may also mail in a check to Lavender Life Company 464 Stanton Farms Drive SE Caledonia, MI 49316.

_____Ship the empty duffle back to Laveder Life Company (464 Stanton Farms Drive SE Caledonia, MI 49316) We reuse them over and over again; 

_____Put the kits together (stuff lavender pouch in Xander Friend; place in the backpack and tie a bow - (approximately 2 minutes/Xander);

_____Deliver to all foster and/or kinship care agencies as they need them; &

_____Spread the word. We are able to donate with a grassroots support of many.


__________________________________________________Signed _______________________Date